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First visit: $115 ($80 if you complete the online form prior to the visit)

Follow-up: $65

* Package

     $300/5 sessions($60/session)

** Senior $5 extra D.C.


<Organic Herbal Medicine>

Granule/Powder type: $25/ 7 days

Liquid extract: $400/ 30days



<Insurance/ Heath saving accounts/ Tax deductibles>

* Health Insurance: Surprisingly only a few health insurance companies provide acupuncture benefit in North Carolina. Contact your insurance company to verify your benefit.

* Flex Plans and Healthcare saving accounts accepted

* Tax deductions: Acupuncture treatments are considered as medical expenses.




2. Please arrive on time and expect to spend about 30-45 minutes in the office for your first visit. Please wait in the waiting area, and we will assist you.


For your first visit

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1. Please wear comfortable shoes and loose clothes.  If your clothes are too tight, we can provide substitute clothes. 

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Most Frequent Questions 



 Q: Is it safe/ Does it hurt?

 A: It is very safe and you feel no pain or minimal pain. There has been zero medical accident and sue case with Dr. Kim so far.


 Q: How many treatments will I need?

 A: The number of treatments varies from person to person. Some people    experience immediate relief after the first treatment, others may take months to see results. Chronic conditions usually take longer to resolve than acute problems. We generally suggest two or three treatments per week for the first two or three weeks, and we reevaluate and determine follow-up treatment plan. 

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